Days 166-169…yoga and wellness week!

Little brown monster got a bath this weekend!  Little blonde monster still needs to go to the groomers, but we haven’t had time to get him there yet…it will happen soon though!


January and February are CRAZY busy…I am SO happy to see January come to a close because it means classes and work and teaching will all be in full swing, and this crazy hectic calendar will be a thing of the past!


Found a new (or new to us) bakery in our neighborhood and everything looked AMAZING.  E is going to LOVE it when he gets home!  My old roomie and I went after yoga, and she went  back later for lunch!


I LOVE getting updates on my old fosters…especially little Kindle, since my mom and aunt adopted him!  He is having a blast during his first northern winter…he loves the snow!


And the little wolf dog who used to be too nervous to sit still now loves to SNUGGLE!  Melts my heart!


After yoga on Saturday, my old roomie and I had a craft day!  We make homemade dream catchers…it was such a fun project and goodness knows I need something to help me have nicer dreams!


I got to babysit for the kiddos I used to nanny for this weekend we had SUCH a blast!  I love keeping in touch with the kids I nanny for in the past, and how nice to be able to spend time with two of them!  I thought their cat’s obsession with their new wood stove was adorable!


I am finally getting happy with where my body is at again!  Having the energy to get back into lifting heavy and running as started to give me back the muscle and shape that I love!  I also am obsessed with shawls this winter!  In total me-style, I have been dressing like a gypsy, wearing my shawls as headwraps when it’s cold and shoulder wraps just to hang out.  Loving it!  Rocking my style on Sunday at yoga…


Even though I’m not a big winter person, this sunsets have been nice lately!


Speaking of cold winters, this weather has been perfect for an excuse to snuggle on the couch all the time!


I got a great deal on this yoga top at Macy’s …a total ripoff of a lululemon style, but like 1/4 the price!  I love that it’s nice and loose-fitting, but still is flattering.  Such a good shirt to just chill out or teach a relaxing class:)


I had a super busy Monday…we started our wellness program to help students get healthy for spring break through wellness coaching and workout plans, and I also got to LEAD my own yoga workshop on camps!  The theme was yoga and healthy intentions for the new year…we did yoga, meditation, art journaling, and made worry stones!  It went great…and 13 people showed up which is huge for a beginning of the semester program!


This morning, we slept in, and then little monster had to get rid of her excess energy by attacking her tree toy!



Filed under dogs, fitness, Life, running, style, work

2 responses to “Days 166-169…yoga and wellness week!

  1. how does your cat not get burned on top of it??? that blows my mind

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