Category Archives: home repair

Days 240-243…slacking off! (but not really)

I’ve been slacking off on the technology front!  But only because everything else has been such a whirlwind…finding out I got my new job and will start in May, figuring out how I’m going to fit in my last summer class, taking over for my boss when she left on maternity leave, juggling classes and portfolio work and finishing up my internship hours (only three left!!!), keeping in touch with hubby and realizing how soon he’ll be home, and lots of house projects!!!  And of course tons of quality time with my kids, aka the doggies  

Let’s start out with a gratuitous shot of the pretty new shirt my aunt bought me on my way out the door with tons of caffeine for internship…20130410-144921.jpg

I got a super creepy letter in the mail…


Really “Greg”?! WTF?!?  I looked this creeper up and apparently he is a RI contractor or something so maybe he just tries to do real estate in a super unprofessional way?  Either way, a handwritten note seems pretty creepy Lifetime movie stalker of the week to me, so I was a litle freaked out for a while…

The dogs did plenty of weird silly things over the last few weeks…


We are all SO glad it is finally nice out!!!  Tanning in the yard was a must!


I got a new pair of Nike Airs…my favorite!  Well, a new old pair…these were an ebay find:)  And no, I’m not gross, I wash all the shoes I buy on there so it’s technically just me being a cheap broke grad student…


Stairs are DONE!  These stairs have been an eye sore since we moved in…first with the puke green carpet, then with the mismatched scuffed paint and old carpet nails.  I finally had the time and patience to paint them to a beautiful welcoming entryway:)


Looks like real wood!  Dont tell anyone I was super lazy and just picked a nice dark brown paint to look like wood. 


Chloe got a bath…


Puppies napped multiple times…


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Filed under dogs, home repair, Life, Uncategorized

Days 222-228…everything is falling into place!


Once again, I have fallen almost a week behind on updates, but life has been hectic lately!  It’s like everything is falling into place at once the last few days!

Our new center beam is finally finished!  The living room is still in disarray, but it’s just good to know that the house is now safe! A fresh coat of paint and some creative furniture rearranging and we’ll be as good as new!


On a side note, our little monster dog ate the cage off of my spin bike pedal!  Evil! Her master plan for my workouts to all revolve around walking her…


My new obsession is looking up crazy awesome yoga poses I want to learn on tumblr and pinterest….some of my new favorite obsessions…




The pups love having their couch back!  Giant snuggle party as soon as the living room was free and clear!


I had a great weekend full of teaching yoga and meeting up with old friends!  And on Sunday I was able to meet up with an awesome yoga student/friend of mine for coffee to discuss an interview she had helped me set up at her workplace!  It was great and I’m really looking forward to it!

While at Whole Foods, I picked up some herbs that I’ve been reading about for helping with chronic allergies/autoimmune issues…I’ve only been taking them about a week, but wow, they really do seem to be helping!  I have read some awesome articles lately on how inflamation is the root cause of so many issues, especially in those with immune system problems!  (Kris Carr wrote another great article on this just this week you should check it out!)  The quercetin and tumeric are great antiinflammatories and the ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning it helps your immune system react to stress.


I’ve also started a new book by the Dalai Llama…I love books on Buddhist meditation if you cant tell…

Now, realistically I shouldn’t finish this book until the summer because I have about 6 other books I SHOULD be reading for school…..


Hubby sent an awesome handmade rug home and the dogs ADORE it….so of course we had a photo shoot…


I had such a puppy-tastic week!  The weather is finally getting nicer and we took full advantage with many fun yard play dates and hikes!


Chloe don’t take no trouble from no body!


Jack biting Chloe’s head…no big deal…


A wonderful view!


Posing with monster dog!


Yesterday was my first big interview of the week!  I am kind of torn because in an hour I will have my second big interview.  Both jobs are really similar…clinician jobs in the human services field.  One is dealing with foster kids and foster families, which has always been my area of focus and most interest…but it has a higher caseload and lots of responsibilties.  Job two is much more therapy focused and I would be specializing in MST therapy in home, which deals with kids at severe risk for placements.  It seems like parts of it would be more intense and clinical, however its a smaller caseload.  Both jobs pay the same and both have really interesting aspects to them.  Obviously I don’t know if I’ll get offered one or both or neither so I’m trying not to over-stress.  However, in the event I was offered both I really don’t know which one I’d take!

Anyway, here’s my pretty dress…I feel so professional!  I never get to dress up with my usual jobs so I felt super pretty and fancy the last two days!


And finally…my best friend sent me this hysterical ‘reasons to eat healthy’ picture last night….EPIC.


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Filed under dogs, fitness, food, home repair, Life, work, yoga

Days 207-214…life is busy, life is good!

I’ve been away from the blog for one whole week!  Everything has been happening all at once and life has been crazy!  But no complaints here (mainly because I have been complaining too much the past week to everyone else and I’m tired of it!)…I am taking a look at the positive side of everything and enjoying my life one day at a time!  To start off with, all these crazy happenings have just made the last week fly by, and that means it is that much sooner until hubby comes home!  Another plus is that dealing with household emergencies and a crazy work and internship and school schedule just reassures me that I am totally competent and in charge of my life right now, and that feels great!

A nice surprise pick me up came in the mail last week….cute gifts from E!  I love the random teddy bear with greetings from Afghanistan…matched my Kuwaitit camel from last deployment!  Also, I am a huge sucker for precious stones…forget gold and diamonds and bling, give this hippie girl lapis and jade and turquoise and I’m good to go!  I really loved my gifts and it felt nice to be thought of.  Good job, husband!


And now, a picture that totally sums up our two pups…Jack running for his life and Chloe with a crazy open mouth “im coming for you!” grin!


The past two weeks have been a total running party…speed workouts and all types of fun stuff (until my old injuries started acting up which I’ll talk about later…)

This was my first sub 30 5k in I don’t know how long!


Rocking my new necklace and loving my hippie hair getting longer and longer!


We got a surprise random blizzard on Friday…the dogs were NOT impressed.  “Mom…wtf???  Why is that white stuff back?!?!”


…guess we’ll just have to hide under the blankets all day!


Ok…everyone in the world is going to either judge me or secretly are also hiding their bad habit, but….

After giving it up almost all winter, minus going once or twice , I caved and went tanning again… the blizzard totally threw me and my SAD was like “oh HELL no, winter is supposed to be gone, this is horrible and the world is ending!” …so I jumped in the fake bake bed for 10 minutes…let the judging begin.  I wanted to share only because I know there are still closet tanners out there and I am doing so good at beating my tanning addiction, but as long as I live in New England there are going to be those winter days here and there that I just can’t get away from it!


I saw this on pinterest and about died laughing…this is SO me every deployment…but hey, let’s be honest, I’m not exactly in the smooth legs club all the time when hubby is home either.


Another sub 30 5k!!!!!!!  Yay!!!!!!!  And a blurry picture because I was still running haha….mad skills at life.


Vicious pit bulls that have to sleep with their head directly on your chest so they can feel your heart beat….preciousness overload!


My friend sent me this and it is SO true.  I am totally that girl and proud of it….as evidenced by today’s completely random and in no way sporadic post haha!  Common themes that run through a post?  Who DOES that?


AAAaaaaannnndddddd…..SPRING IS BACK!  Let’s celebrate by laying in the grass happily!


I think I see a discrepancy in toy size to dog size ratio…


Somewhere in between all of these things was spring break…which wasn’t really a break for me, but I did have no class and there were no students on campus which made work a lot easier haha!

Then came the weekend…

I SOOOOO wish Eric was home to see the gem I discovered on SyFy network this weekend….a movie about military engineered camel spiders?!?!  Oh hell yes.


Sunday morning yoga was fun, and one of my friends came so it was great to have her come to her first Theresa-led yoga class.  Afterwards, her husband and our other friend helped me with some things around the house that I couldn’t figure out on my own.  Did I tell you in addition to all the structural problems we had last week, that our septic almost overflowed?  Yay…crazy murphy’s law of deployments…  So we drained the washer out to the garden and now there will be that many less gallons of water to cause sewage chaos in our back yard…aren’t you excited to read about sewage?  I know I sure am…lies…all lies…

Sunday afternoon it was time for a nice relaxing hike!


We found a random teepee in the woods so I of COURSE had to go inside!  Who wouldn’t?


And when you find a rusty old tire swing in the middle of no where who DOESNT swing on it?


…same with rusty old gates…



I was SO happy that the surprise baby shower I threw my boss on Monday went well!  It is SO hard to surprise her and we NAILED it.  She was almost mad that we got one over on her haha!  Everyone had a blast and she was so happy.  I made her two paintings…one for the baby’s room with inspirational quotes and one for her other daughter’s room with a cute quote about sisters on it since she will be a first time sister soon!



With Monday came structural repair week!

So….turns out I wasn’t paranoid and that big center beam that was sagging so bad?? …Yep…’s resting on  a TWO BY FOUR….someone TOOK OUT A WALL and rested the CENTER BEAM on a TWO BY FOUR…are you kidding?????



Totally safe….not.


To escape from the $7000 disaster that is my house, I took the pups for a nice hike…so much fun.


And at night I went for a lovely run!


I had to share my conversation with my best friend from home as she was trying to motivate me to go out for my run…I love that even 1000 miles apart we are still best friends.  By the way go check out her blog…. Eat well, Run hard, Love yourself…


Sadly, after my run, the old injuries I’ve been ignoring all started to rear their ugly heads again…old fractures, old achilles, old knees, and old ankles… all at once!  Not sure if it was the hills, the speedwork, the distance…or maybe everything combined, but crap…not good!  I am taking a few days off and I got a referral today to go see an orthopedist.  I have a sneaking suspicion that my horrible running form and really weird gate are the root cause of my injuries.  Running is the only thing that causes my injuries to flare up, which sucks because running is my favorite thing….but I’ve had a few people tell me, in the nicest way they could, that I run like a total weirdo.  This is the same reason I teach dance instead of perform…I have tibial torsion so my feet point outwards, which means to run normally, my feet either have to go out like I’m in first position in dance to keep my knees facing forward, which then torques my ankles and hips, OR my knees have to bow inward to keep my feet straight.  Yes, I’m aware I am a giant trainwreck…I’m just hoping that the doctors can figure it out…I don’t care if I have to wear Forrest Gump leg braces, I just want to be able to run again!!!!

My new favorite cold drink…honestly it is AMAZING go try it!  And no, they aren’t paying me to say this…although I wish they were…with a lifetime supply of these drinks haha!


I love taking the dogs with my to run errands…can you spot the pit bulls?


Since we cant go in our living room, I drug a recliner to our dining room to relax and watch tv.  The doggies of course KNEW it was for them too and decided we should all pile on there together…this was such a comfortable set up for all involved.  Just look at how snuggly we all look?  Five minutes later the recliner collapsed and scared us all half to death…fun night.


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Filed under army wife, dogs, fitness, food, home repair, Life, recovery, running, style, work, yoga

Days 203-206…running and other spring adventures!


Ahhhh it’s spring!  Everyone roll around happily in the grass!


The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I’m once again happily sitting in the sun with my pups by my side, drinking tea…perfect morning!


Springtime means wrestling matches are again a common occurence!


I was feeling inspired to get back into music this week, so I busted out the keyboard.  I really want to get good at piano and flute and guitar and singing again. I’d love to find a local choir or orchestra next year.  I used to be SO musical…it was my whole life in high school and I really miss it!


So the big crazy story this weekend was on Saturday…my routine oil change turned into a $600 repair with some issues they found…so I caught a cab home…and then realized I had left my house key on my keychain at the car repair place…wonderful.

Luckily our house is super hard to break into….but I remembered that the third floor windows don’t have locks on them…because honestly, who would climb three stories to break into the house?


…..oh that’s right…this girl would.


I somehow managed to climb the completely vertical ladder and get inside in one piece.  I was a little stressed after this whole occurrence and I felt bad for venting about it to my husband on our weekly phone call.  Looking back it’s actually kind of funny….but when you spend your entire paycheck in two days and go through this fiasco on top of all the other things going on around here I guess it can get a little overwhelming.  Oops.  I really need to get back on that ‘no complaining’ kick I had started a few weeks ago…

I’ll take a hint from the pups…just bask in the sunshine and relax!  No worries here!


Sunday was a great day for yoga and for the first long run outside of the spring…I looped a local park and then ran a new long road down to a beach I hadn’t been to before…really fun!



Me showing off my frizzy running hair and fancy running jacket I forgot I had stashed in my closet!  Also note that I finally replaced the armband monster dog destroyed months ago…it was nice to not be clutching my iphone for dear life the entire run…


5.64 miles in an hour…definitely need to work on getting my speed back, but it was a solid run and no pain in my hip, so I didn’t mind the slower pace!

After my run, I was exhausted!  I did some yoga around 6 and was ready for bed by 730!  12 hours later and I finally felt my energy come back…but it was nice to have a real genuine exhausted type of sleep….oh how I’ve missed long runs outside!


Gotta love when cute puppies fall asleep in the middle of chewing on their toys…


Even with my long run, I was proud of staying under my calorie budget for the day…I’m sticking to 1400 or less on days I work out, and other days I am aiming for 1200.  Today I was almost at 1400 again, but I know that my muscles need to repair after the long run yesterday…


This morning I stared in an episode of Hoarders!!!

….just kidding…but I did clean out the basement and garage.


SO much crap still down there from the previous owners.  I hate to be wasteful but the basement is moldy and I have decided to just trash everything down there….power tools and such can stay, but old furtniture, mattresses, lamps, etc are going to the dump…

Speaking of the dump, let’s check out my white trash outfit I wore for my junk-hauling trip…ratty old sweatpants and an oversized Budweiser tshirt…perrfecccttt….no one will bother me looking like this…


This afternoon brought indecisiveness in the little monster…which stick do I want?  CANT DECIDE, MUST HAVE BOTH.


After a long day, it was nice to come home to my lovely cabinet of TEA…yeah with my husband gone, I have taken over an entire cabinet for my tea…so what?  It’s GOOD FOR YOU….don’t judge.


Random job search update…I have applied to at least 50 jobs in the last few months…it seems all the good counseling jobs require experience…which you need to get hired to get, but can’t get hired without…kind of a catch-22, no?  So I decided to start searching in the fitness sector.  In all honesty, fitness is my real passion, and I only want to work in counseling if it allows me to bring fitness and wellness into the job anyway.  So tonight I applied for a health and wellness coordinator job…parttime to start in the summer…I think it could work really well with what I want to do and I could possibly work some counseling hours as well.  We will see what happens!


Filed under army wife, dogs, fitness, food, home repair, Life, recovery, running, Uncategorized, weight loss, yoga

Days 198-202…despite the fact that our house is falling down, I’m feeling good!:)

As always, lets start out with a nice big hello from the kiddos…


“Hi! …can we have our treat now?”

So let’s start out with the bad news….our house is basically falling down.  Yes, along with the theme of “f— it all february”, it turns out we missed something pretty big when we bought the house…


Yeah…that’s a good three foot section of the main support beam MISSING…vanished…cut out…gone…out of the picture…


Never a good thing…

But I’m handling it surprisingly well!

Case in point:


Excuse my french….was just SO happy and SO positive I had to enhance it with colorful adjectives… ughhhh!

I was really upset and overwhelmed with all the house stuff, and trying to figure out taxes, along with the 50 other house projects I’ve been working on….oh and work and school and interning AND being sick….. you get the picture.

But then I took a step back, took a deep breath, and reminded myself that I am so lucky and grateful for the life that I  have.  I am surrounded by loving friends and family, the two cuddliest puppies every, I have great jobs and internships, I’m in school, and our deployment countdown is slowly getting smaller and smaller.  AND the weather has magically gotten brighter…instant spring!  No matter what happens with the house, we have been super responsible and saved up enough to cover anything that needs done.  No matter how much I may want to complain, I dont deserve to, because I am in such a good position in my life and this is nothing I can’t handle.

Time for an inspirational Thich Naht Han quote, since he sums things up better than I ever could…


As SOON as the snow melted, we needed a hike!  So this week, with the cold and mud and damp, I laced up my boots and out we went!


It was so nice to be out in the fresh air again!  We have been cooped up far too long this winter!


And there is nothing like the peaceful puppy sleep you get after a hike!

Wednesday was great…I taught two wonderful yoga classes and it felt so good to be healthy enough to really teach all out.  Yoga is so therapeutic!  I woke up to a message from the studio owner asking me to add another of my yogalates classes to the schedule!  Last night was PACKED and she wants to put another one on the schedule!  Everyone loves it!  I was SO happy:)  I made a new playlist of my favorite songs of the month, so here it is!

Spring Yoga Mix from theresa913 on 8tracks Radio.


Today has been wonderful…I was supposed to give a big presentation but class got cancelled!  So I packed up the pups and drove an hour to our FAVORITE secluded beach!  3 miles of shoreline…and it was the perfect day!  No one else around…just the sand and the waves and the wind and the sun….oh my goodness, spring is really coming!!!!

I wanted to get a cute picture…but when I asked the puppies to sit it went a little like this….


Sit? WHY?!? Are you tricking us? Is there another dog you are distracting us from?!?!


Stay? Nooooooo….you must mean come and give me kisses if you are sitting in the sand!!!


Oh…picture time?  Why didn’t you just say so…let’s look regal and adorable…ready go!

Tonight should be fun…off to the gym to train a client at 7, then working (aka working out) til close at midnight.  Not the biggest fan of late shifts, but it’s a good excuse to get a long run in on the treadmill or track since I’m stuck there for a few hours.  I NEED to get my mileage up.  Last week’s illness put me off track and I want to be ready for the race in April….5 miles is my long run now…gotta get comfortable with 13 again and I have two months…time to work!


Filed under army wife, dogs, fitness, home repair, Life, running, Uncategorized, work, yoga

Days 195-197…sick:(

I felt a cold coming on Wednesday so in between my two yoga classes I stopped at Whole Foods for some nutritious food…


Even though we are no longer able to get our kitchen redone, I think just removing the island has really opened it up and I actually kind of like it now.  I will keep doing work on it on my own as I feel better, but for now I am going to just enjoy the process…slowly but surely we will have an updated kitchen!


The reason we can’t update our kitchen….notice the beam that is blatantly sagging?  Fun times.  Need to get that fixed ASAP before my bed literally falls through our living room ceiling.  Grrrr….old house problems.


The huge highlight of my week was realizing that we are in double digit-ville until Eric comes home, or at least until June which is homecoming month!!!!!!!  SO great to see that ticker go down from the hundreds to the 90s!!!:)


As usual, I did some new art this week.  My boss requested something relaxing and peaceful for her friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer.  I love this Kundalini blessing and decided to try turning it into a painting.  I hope it brings her some comfort.


The doggies have been so bratty and mad at me for being sick this week.  They hate just laying on the couch all day…and our car rides were only to the vet and grocery store.  When I drove by our usually hiking spots they cried and barked…I felt guilty.  But with this horrible plague I have I was in no condition to hike.  Sinus infection, cough, headache, dizziness, faintness, shortness of breath all weekend…I called off work on Thursday and Friday and cancelled weekend yoga classes…I NEVER do that.  I really hope this is the last sickness I get this year…I just need spring and the warm weather to come make me feel better!


My healthy ‘get better’ meals this week were…roasted cauliflower with roasted garlic…


and a breakfast beans and rice gluten free Amy’s burrito with roasted garlic… The salsa was the only thing that helped me breathe the first two days.


The dogs passed the time by making out on the couch…


Saturday I attempted to do some yoga just because I NEVER sit still for any length of time, let alone three days.  I made it about 20 minutes, then settled on some meditation since the room was all spinny….  The slow flow practice did help me stay relaxed and got the blood pumping though, so it was definitely a good idea to at least try it out, but if I thought I could make it the whole hour I was kidding myself.  Really glad I didn’t try to teach this weekend, I would have passed out…not very professional.


Yoga quickly turned into…sit on yoga mat, watch the snow fall, read YJ, and drink tea…it was still enjoyable.



Filed under dogs, fitness, food, home repair, Uncategorized, yoga

Days 189-194…the new diet and a roomie reunion:)

This week was the start of my new/old diet.  Basically I am going back to the diet that always worked best for me in the past.  Everyone always yelled at me for not eating enough, and even as a personal trainer, I know that for my height and weight I technically should be able to eat closer to 1600-1700 calories and still lose weight based on my activity level.  However, for whatever reason, my metabolism was not agreeing with eating more and I gained 15lbs since last summer, despite increasing the intensity and length of my workouts.  So, I’ve gone back to aiming for 1200 calories a day (1400 on longer run days or lifting days), at least for the next two months…I am hoping to be back to my happy racing weight…about 10-13lbs less than now…by the time the Rye 1/2 Marathon comes around at the end of April. I’ve been doing good so far and I actually feel great!  It’s awesome to not have the uncomfortable full feeling I was getting at 1500 and 1600 calorie days…and it’s also a good reminder to only eat when I’m hungry and not eat off of emotions.



Another fun part of last week was a new painting…I love winter sunsets and I found this amazing quote about letting go of the past and had to combine them…I wish the trees would have come out a little better, but I’m happy with it overall…

“There is something incredibly honest about trees in winter…how they are experts at letting things go…”


One of my go-to meals this week has been Hillary’s Eat Well Adzuki Bean Burgers from Whole foods…on a bed of spinach with guacamole or hummus….SO good! 20130220-072646.jpg20130220-072652.jpg

Of course another highlight of my week were these two sweet faces…Mr Jack is showing off his cute bandana from the groomers…Chloe is jealous and wants one too…


Destroying a new toy…


My two old roomies visited this weekend, which was so fun!  One of them found this old gem on her phone….me and hubby in some kind of life or death battle over who knows what…


Having a cooking party in the kitchen!  Oh how I’ve missed these two gals!


With yet another snow storm, we spent a lot of time cuddled on the couch…


Surprisingly, the diet went well all week…spacing my meals out and adding in some variety is making me feel so great!


I attempted to redo our bedroom floor…after about 2 hours of removing staples and cleaning and moving furniture, I laid out the underlayment, only to find that whatever structural issues are causing problems in our living room are also causing our floor to sag in the middle…and you can’t lay an uneven floor…


…so I gave up and cried on the floor with Jack, who didn’t seem phased.


Such a delicious breakfast yesterday…berries, applesauce, almond butter, and flaxseed with some nice rooibos tea!  I definitely could not have filled up the bowl any more!

Gave me enough fuel for another 4 mile indoor track run!  Cannot wait for nice weather and melted snow to get back into running outside!  Someday I NEED to live somewhere where running outside ALL year is completely doable!


We are officially under the 4 month countdown until hubby gets home.  Every day I look at the pictures from our last homecoming and our wedding on my desk at work and it all seems so surreal.  I just can’t wait to run up to him and give him the biggest hug and kiss, knowing that if everything goes right, he won’t ever have to leave again.  We’re almost in double digits for the countdown…so close yet so far!


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Filed under army wife, dogs, fitness, food, home repair, Life, recipes, running, weight, weight loss

Day 188… Happy Valentine’s day!

Valentine’s morning started of with an epic dog makeout session on the couch.  Jack decided to pin Chloe by her neck and obsessively lick her face for about 10 minutes..I’d say love is in the air…20130214-191319.jpg20130214-191324.jpg

“I LOVE YOU! Let me kiss you!!!”20130214-191329.jpg

Because I have no romantic life, I just sat there and laughed at how cute they were and took pictures. 

Before I left for work, my grand Valentine’s Day gesture was cooking up a plate of fresh swordfish for the doggies for lunch.  Yes, that is where my life is right now…I cooked up a fancy gourmet feast for the dogs for this holiday…

Despite the snow, the sun really warmed things up today…45 degrees!  I needed some vitamin d, so I deemed it tropical PJ shorts weather and sat outside while the dogs played with snowballs.  Utter class with my pjs and hiking boots…my poor neighbors have probably stopped looking out their back windows at this point…


Partly because I’m feeling nostalgic and partly because after the contractor came to do our kitchen estimate, he realized that we may have structural issues that need addressed in the living room instead…I’ve been pondering keeping the current layout of our dining room/kitchen…


We were going ot take out the archway and the china cabinet and just open up that whole corner of the house so the kitchen and dining room were one big area.  


A)The old fashioned craftsmanship of the built in cabinetry is growing on me, and

B) It is going to be super expensive to take out walls and move vents and things like that….at first we were fine with it, but if we are going to be paying for a new beam in the living room, I’m thinking no…


So my new plan is to leave the layout as it is, but update everything.  I already removed the island (it was orange and gaudy and 50s…it used to be where the fridge is now…the fridge was in the far back corner that nees new electical work but will go back there after its done).

I think with updated cabinets and appliances, and ripping out all the upper walls (like I did on the right side of the photo below), the kitchen will feel more open and new even if it is still back in the corner of the house.  I’ll have to wait on that estimate before I make my decisions..I am also strongly considering paying someone to do the electrical and plumbing, but doing the cabinets and floors and tiles myself.  We will see…


I’m stuck at work til midnight…not like it matters that it’s Valentine’s Day because my Valentine is halfway around the planet and probably has totally forgotten what day it is anyway.  I am waiting for a call so we can discuss the home repairs and some money issues, so maybe I’ll at least get to talk to him, but who knows.  I’m SO over this deployment.  It’s just to that point where it’s like okay, whatever, this just needs to end and in the meantime, I’m going to be a bitter old lady about it.  I have stopped returning the FRG phone calls because I feel like I might slip up when they ask how I am or if I need anything…something like “Well actually, between my two jobs, interning, and classes, I haven’t really gotten around to normal things like dishes and laundry, not to mention that my house is falling apart and my husband keeps pestering me to do the maintenance on his car that is under 2 feet of snow….wanna get started on all that? Should I make a check list for you?!?!” 


I am committed to working out all night to stay awake and to get some of those feel good endorphins going.  My friend and I attemped to lift for about 20 minutes but I am so not in the lifting mood tonight…although I do LOVE my new lifting gloves! 


We ran two miles on the track, but I think I’m going to head out to the arc trainer for round two of cardio in a bit.  Shoes are all laced up, I’m just looking for the motivation to get my butt out there!


Filed under army wife, dogs, fitness, home repair, Life, running, weight loss