Days 110, 111, 112…yoga teacher training – yogafit level 2!

What a busy few days…I didn’t have time to post all weekend!  Friday was busy with packing and work, then when I got home at 7, my friend and I left for a 4 1/2 hour drive to go to my yoga teacher training (YogaFit level 2) in the Poconos!

We hit a few roadblocks along the way…literally…


…but were able to get there in one piece.

The hotel was nice too!  As much as I hate being away from the puppies, it is nice to have a mini vacation every once in a while from school and work!

YogaFit was awesome as always, the instructor was amazing, and it was really great to have a small group of just 4 students.  We really bonded through the training, and went out to lunch together each day.  We really learned a lot and I was so inspired by how the trainer led her master classes…lots of inspirational quotes and bringing the wisdom of the yoga tradition into the practice, but in a modern way.  So great!  I also learned some new awesome flows to bring back to my normal classes.


What a perfect way to start the morning…especially since there was a bit of a scare over near where hubby is.  He is fine, and it didn’t affect where he is directly, but it was scary to have something hit so close to home.  It was a few hours between me seeing the news online and him calling me before I knew for sure they were okay.  I should know to never listen to FRG gossip as a lot of the families on the Fbook page are super obsessive with all things Army and war-related and get so worked up over EVERY little thing.  I don’t usually pay attention to what is posted on there, but what they were saying, in connection with the news had me a little worried.  It was so great to hear E’s voice and know he was okay and said everything was fine.  And luckily the yoga trainer was a former Army wife too, so she totally understood me taking the call and checking my phone every two seconds.


For lunch, we went out for sushi and all of our fortune cookies were very appropriate for our training weekend…even though they are cheesy, I still love getting the fortunes!:)


We got home late Sunday night and it was so nice to see the puppies and be home…I have a lot to get done around the house, but it was a great night to just rest and recover from the long weekend.  I feel so blessed in so many ways…for all of my wonderful experiences, for yoga, for my family, for the safety of my husband, for my friends, and for the lovely morning we are having today.  This weekend was a great way to reconnect with all I am thankful for.


Filed under army wife, fitness, Life, yoga

2 responses to “Days 110, 111, 112…yoga teacher training – yogafit level 2!

  1. I really enjoy doing yoga. I feel so long and lean afterwards; must be from all the wonderful stretching. Actually, I was up at 5a.m. this morning to get about 40 minutes in before starting my day. It was tough getting up at that time but when it was all said and done, it was well worth it! Felt fabulous afterwards and sooo hungry!
    Glad your hubby is ok!

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